Sunday, April 28, 2013

Encounter Jesus!!

This last weekend I went to Encounter Jesus at District Blitz!!  

It was so amazing you could just see Jesus working in the lives and hearts of teenagers in that room!

A wonderful thing to witness.

Our speaker was awesome. One of the best speakers we have ever had!

Got to catch up with friends which was so needed.

A break from life is one of my favorite things about trips. It's time set aside to spend with Jesus and friends!

Coming back to reality is always hard.

School, chores, work, babysitting.

The thing is - It's always worth it. I know that it's not my last trip and that the next one can't come soon enough.

Here are some pictures from our trip:



1 comment:

Michlyn said...

SO. MUCH. FUN. I'm really excited it's in the same place next year! Hopefully we'll get a better hotel. :) Although I liked the coziness of the one we stayed at this year.
