Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beautiful fall day

yesterday was a beautiful day so i took my babies for a walk we walked to the lake and we played in the grass for an hr it was perfect not to hot or to cold. the girls loved it savanna kept taking the leaves and throwing them over her head so cute:) Rylee was so happy to be outside she just ran around then we walked back to there house and played in there yard for 30mins on there play ground. here are some pics 



Michlyn said...

Omg they are so stinkin cute! I love Rylee's hair! I'm so glad that I get to see them tomorrow! I'll be sure to bring my camera... The weather was perfect today too, so hopefully the weather will cooperate for us tomorrow! :)

Beka said...

i know!:)if its nice out we can walk to the lake!

Michlyn said...

Ok sounds good! I'm excited, but I have to clean before I can go...rules! Lol

Beka said...

that sucks i hate cleaning!