Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!

This was one of the best Christmas's ever!
After I got over my annoying cousin on my moms side
I had alot of fun with the rest of my cousins!
We went to church and it was alot of fun because they did something special with the little kids up front.
We opened a bunch of more presents!:)
We had another huge meal so full I don't think I'm going to eat for along time.
Went outside with my cousin and took a bunch of pictures.
went caroling with my dads side to a old lady's house.
ate a huge meal again so full!!
went outside for a bonfire on the ice ( yeah I know we're not that smart)
And played broom-hockey on the ice for about an hour it was so tiring!  ( thank God we all are ok)
then we came in and packed up and went home 
and know I'm working on the pictures I took I took over 300 pictures I love taking pictures!!
I will post the rest of my presents
and all the pictures I took

Hope you had a good Christmas!



Michlyn said...

Haha can you believe it? We're still at home... Typical us.

Sounds like a great Christmas! I can't wait to see the pictures when I have internet or when I'm home!

You should blog about your week without me! :) lol jk I'm sure you'll be pretty bored. :)


Beka said...

haha what time did you leave?

I'm going to be so bored I'm going to die of boredom!!lol

ok I will post about my boring week.


Michlyn said...

Haha perfect! At about 10:00!! Grrr... That's what happens when no sets their alarm and we wake up at 8:00!


Don't forget those pictures from your Christmas!

Beka said...

haha that sucks!! I won't I have been editing them for about three hours!:)
I'm so bored of editing! but I guess I should be happy that I'm not in a car for 12 hours
