Monday, January 14, 2013

My Opinion

My dream is to be a cop or something in law-enforcement I haven't decided yet. besides the point 

So my whole family hates cops see a pattern there they hate horses and cops everything I love.

warning I'm in a really bad mood.

So someone in my family got there car towed because they parked in front of a fire hydrant. come on everyone knows you can't park with in 10 feet or more of a fire  hydrant!!

So now cops are the worse people in the world because there doing there job and reporting you to the towing guys.

The only reason people don't like cops is because they in FORCE the law and don't let you do what you want.

Get over you got caught know you have to pay the price.

AHH I feel so much better getting this off my chest. lol

Hope you have a goodnight


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