Saturday, January 12, 2013

When life gives you UGH moments

Hey guys! Thanks to those who are still following me. Sorry I haven't posted lately as I said before blogger was being stupid and not letting me post stuff. It's fixed now so I hope I can post more. *fingers crossed*

Last night I was thinking of something I could post... without boring you guys to death! haha

So I thought maybe ''When life gives you those UGH moments'' would be fun?

 So you should tell me what you think good or bad!

 1. When you start to not like Youth Group and feel guilty for not wanting to go. 

2.  When your horse throws you and you break your arm.

3. When you say you can babysit for a couple of hours and they come home 8hrs later and wouldn't answer their phone.

4. When you have to get up extra early 4 days in a row.

5. When you never have time to go see your horse.

6.When you don't have any clean clothes and don't have time to wash them.

7. When blogger is being stupid and won't let me post.

Well that's all for now. Tell me what you think Nah or Yeah!


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