Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Room Redo

I've been moving things round in my room and I think I've found the way I like it, I added a couch and a bigger bed, I just have a mattress because I hate having a bed frame! why? because I'm weird!! I know my room is really little but yes a couch fits in it!! I don't have a lot of floor space but I don't need it. I throw a lot of stuff away, I didn't know how much stuff i had til i went throw my closet I had stuff packed in there it was horrible!! here are some pics of what my room looks like now.

My couch, this is where i spend most of my day, watching my favorite shows:)

I keep crafts and books in here so when I'm bored I can sit on my couch and watch my shows and do crafts of read a book.

I keep ever thing on here!

you're probable thinking this isn't clean but this is clean for me!:)

my bed, i didn't really feel like making it so that's good enough for me!:)



Michlyn said...

I LOVE IT! :) My parents left about 6 am this morning, so I'll let you know if a sleepover will work out tonight! Probably... I don't have much homework left!

I noticed you don't comment anymore on my blog... you should! It makes it feel pointless, lol just kidding! Anyway I was looking at the pic of your closet and it looks good!

I mean considering all the stuff you had to move and reorganize it looks pretty darn good!


Beka said...

thanks! yeah I hope it works out because I'm super bored!! I will I've just been super lazy since Savanna left I lost like three nights of sleep when she was over:(
