Friday, January 20, 2012

My point of view: Respect

I'm going to do this one on respect 

I'm going to start with respecting your elders
I don't think you should have to respect them, if they don't respect you.
What makes them better then us? Just because we are younger they don't need to respect us?
If an adult says some thing like this: "Your annoying, shut up, go away." 
I will without a problem say it back to them...but then I'm looked at as a brat. 
Again what makes them better them us? They can say rude things to us and no one says anything to them, but if we would say something like that to them we would be in so much trouble.
      I think no matter what,  you should respect Pastors,Cops, Soldiers, and Doctors.
If someone wants me to call them by there last name, they will have to earn my respect.
I'm not going to call them what they want, without them showing me respect.
I think that adults overuse their power a lot. So then no one likes them, or will respect them.

Teenage respect
 I'm going to do one for girls and one for guys.

Everyone talks about guys needing to respect girls.
But has anyone ever talked about girls needing to respect ?
Girls need to respect  guys just as much as guys need to respect girls.
Girls if you hit a guy he has every right to hit you back...not as hard as he can, because they're usually stronger than us.
If you say something mean to a guy, don't expect him to just take it... and if he says something mean back, don't go running to your daddy. That's just annoying.

 If a girls hits you, you can hit her back. Not as hard as you can because you are stronger than us. (Most of the time)
Girls need to respect you just as make as you need to respect them.
 Do you guys every get mad that everyone talks about you needing to respect girls but never talk about girls needing to respect you? If I were you I would be really mad.

When I have a little girl that's the first thing I'm going to teach her is you need to respect boys.
And the first thing I'm going to teach my little boy is you need to respect girls.

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

Michlyn said...

That's our Beka! Great post! :)
