Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Can't wait to go to valleyfair!

allso this weekend my grandpa and grandma are going to take the family to valleyfair there is 25 to 30 of us. they take us ever year. my grandma and grandpa are the best!! it's going to be so much fun this year i get to bring friends. now i just have to wait for there parents to say yes. if they can't go it's not going to be as fun. so you guys have to come!!! the only thing that sucks its only going to be open from 12 to 8 but its still going to be fun! and if her parents say yes she is going to sleep over the night before. can't wait!!!!!


                                 hope you have a fun weekend!



Michlyn said...

You know it!! (: I'm pretty sure it's a yes, just not 100% sure yet! lol Oh and I'm NOT having a cappichino as 7 or 8! Holy that's a lot of energy!

Beka said...

ok1 thats fine i don't think i want you to be dancing and singing!!hahaha

Michlyn said...

Thank you!!! haha trust me you don't! Especially at 8:00 at night in front of hundreds of people! lol

Beka said...

if you do i will go hide!lol jk