Sunday, September 11, 2011

Valleyfair 2011!!!

We finally went to Valleyfair this year! One of my friends got to come, and it was a lot of fun! We wish our other friend could of come, but because of a stupid doctor he couldn't.

Here are some pics -

~Beka~ (Me)

~Me and Ruthie~

 ~Me and Joseph~
 ~Me and Michlyn~
 ~Michlyn and Josiah~
 ~Josiah and Michlyn~
 ~Aunt Annie and Ruthie~
This was a cute couple and I decided to take a picture of. Why? Because I'm weird like that. <3
 The moon
 A perfect way to end the night... On the ferris wheel!
This a video of one of the rides called the Power Tower!


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