Monday, September 19, 2011

My awesome weekend!

my weekend started firday i didn't have to do school i babysat all day then i went to a friends house for a campfire it has super fun! but i don't have the thing in my brain that says think before you say, so i think a guy from big time rush is hot and his name is James and the guys house i was at name is James too and we where all just sitting around the fire and a big time rush song came on and i said James is hot and they all look at me and there like you did not just say that! i was like oh my gosh thats not what i meant i meant James from big time rush is hot! haha it was super funny:) than on saturday it was going to be the only day of the week that i didn't have something on but that didn't happen! i went to crazy days with my church and we had a prayer station. it has a lot of fun! then i had my birthday day party a week early it was a lot of fun too! than after my party i went home with my friend Michlyn and i sleep over we stayed up till 2am and had to get up at 8am thats only 6hrs i was super tired! then me went to church my mom told me i had to go home with her after church but i didn't i went home with Michlyn and we just hung out all day till we had to go back to church she had youth group i babysat Will my youth pastor's son he is the cutest little guy ever and plus he likes sharing his food all over me:)  and now a really boring week of school:(  here are some pics!
campfire with friends:)

my birthday party

hope your weekend was awesome too!



Michlyn said...

I love that you tell us to forget about that, and then you post it for the whole world to see! Lol I had an amazing weekend! I hope the game works this weekend and I'm sure it will be just as great! I stole a few pics for my blog haha

Beka said...

well i'm just that stupid! yeah me to! haha oh